Infrared Sauna Dangers to Be Conscious About? | MUST Know!

You’ve probably heard the stories. People are dying after using the IR pod or getting cancer. People are losing their sight after an infrared sauna bath. Your hair falling out after lying in the pod seems like a nightmare.

You can’t help but imagine all those horrible things happening to you. I’m here to bust some myths. Many of my clients require IR sauna therapy to ease the symptoms of their illnesses.

I’ll tell you all about the health benefits and risks of infrared saunas.

I’ll even tackle delicate topics like cancer and tell you why you might feel worse after a session. To end, I’ll help you choose between a dry and an infrared. Read on!

What is Infrared Sauna? Benefits and Disadvantages

Infrared saunas don’t heat the air in your room to raise your temperature. They warm your body directly because they employ infrared panels with electromagnetic waves (EMF).

What is Infrared Sauna

These waves get into your tissues deeper and more effectively than warm air. In fact, retailers claim that 80% of the radiated heat goes into your body.

Let’s see some of the benefits associated with:

  • You will sleep better and lessen the symptoms of chronic fatigue
  • You’ll feel more relaxed
  • You can help your body get rid of toxic substances clogging your pores
  • You can lose weight faster as heating helps you sweat. Your higher body temperature means burning more calories and increased BMR.
  • You reduce muscle fatigue so you can recover faster and work out sooner
  • Your joint pain is decreased
  • Your blood circulation is improved because infrared saunas can decrease high blood pressure

However, you have to take this research with a grain of salt because:

  • Many of the benefits above are inferred from traditional saunas
  • There haven’t been a lot of large studies to prove the benefits

Enough of WaterBottom line: you have to decide what a false claim is and what’s not.


Conversely, they come with no warnings of long-term effects on your health. IS detox side effects include getting:

  • Overheating, if you don’t control the room temperature precisely
  • Dehydration, if you don’t drink enough water
  • Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke
  • Toxins – toxic particles mobilized in the bloodstream because of detoxification.
  • Electromagnetic Infrared Radiation or EMF
  • Light-Headedness
  • Sperm Damage – infrared heating may provide damage to sperm as any type of heating, but there are no scientific studies to back it up

Some people are afraid that IR saunas can damage their eyes or implants. If you followed the JNH sauna EMF readings scandal, you must be worried.

However, the IR light in most saunas is at safe levels. If you have any concerns, speak with your doctor for personalized advice.

SUMMARY: IS use electromagnetic radiation to warm your body faster. Get an sauna pod for sale if you want to reap more benefits of therapeutic heating. You will have improved cardiovascular health, better skin, reduced joint pain, and no muscle strain. Few reviews prove the long-term benefits, but at least you’ll feel more relaxed afterward.

Who Should Not Use Infrared Saunas

You should not choose a sauna pod if:

  • Your doctor advises against it
  • You have severe skin rashes
  • You are pregnant
  • You have some forms of heart disease
  • You have consumed alcohol or drugs shortly before your session

According to research, some people should not use saunas. Most healthy people can tolerate it, but some people are advised against it by their GPs.

For instance, you can aggravate your itching if you have psoriasis.

Please Notice ThisYou can trigger a heart attack.

It is considered safe enough if your myocardial infarction is old or you have stable angina pectoris.

Avoid saunas if you drank alcohol recently. Alcohol lowers your blood pressure and makes your heart beat irregularly. These bigger chances for hypotension and arrhythmia also increase your risk of sudden death.

SUMMARY: Some heart issues, pregnancy, and psoriasis can increase your risk of negative side effects. Don’t get an sauna without talking to your doctor first. If you’re a healthy adult, though, chances are you can use it safely.

Why Do I Feel Worse After Infrared Sauna?

So, what are the dangers of a sauna?

It can make you feel bad because it lowers blood pressure and artificially increases your body temperature. If you have certain conditions, your body cannot withstand these changes.

Low blood pressure is dangerous if you’re pregnant, have just consumed alcohol, or have unstable angina pectoris. You may experience dizziness, nausea, and even loss of consciousness.

High Body Temperature WarningHigh temperature is dangerous if:

  • You have heart issues, which cause arrhythmias
  • You have psoriasis because sweating increases your itching sensation
  • You don’t drink enough water because it can dehydrate you

If you’re a generally healthy adult, you might still experience sensations of discomfort because:

  • You stayed in the sauna for longer than 30 minutes.
  • Artificially raising your temperature to over 100F is similar to having a fever
  • Your blood pressure will drop a little, so you may experience palpitations
  • You might feel anxious. Palpitations and fever tell your body you’re under attack, which means your stress levels increase.

These effects are not detrimental to your health in the prolonged unless you stay in the sauna for too long. The health benefits of infrared saunas exceed the possible discomforts. Heart rate may increase to 100-150 beats a minute while using a sauna.

SUMMARY: It can make you feel worse if you have severe health issues. IS may cause you minor discomforts that your body can associate with danger. Irregular heartbeat, higher temperature, and sweating raise your stress levels. Google “infrared sauna sessions near me” if you want to be healthier, but prepare to deal with these discomforts.

Is it Safe to Use an Infrared Sauna Every Day?

Infrared saunas are safe for daily use if you’re otherwise healthy. It’s best to double-check with your GP depending on your purpose for using the sauna.

  • If you want to detox, consider a 40-minute session.
  • If you want to relax, limit your sessions to 20 minutes.

Infrared Sauna Every Day

Here are some of my clients’ most frequent questions. You might have asked yourself the same things:

Is infrared heat safe for hair? Yes. Infrared heating is good for your scalp health. Infrared dryers are safer than traditional ones because they dry your hair from the inside. Conversely, infrared heating is also safe, considering the heat source is even farther from your hair.

Is infrared light safe for the skin? Yes, if you don’t have severe skin conditions and aren’t staying too long. Sweating opens your pores and cleanses toxins, so your skin will be shinier and healthier.

Should you shower after the infrared sauna? Have a cold shower soon after your sauna to feel refreshed. It’s better to shower before drinking water to give your body the chance to cool down completely.

SUMMARY: An infrared sauna for sale is a good deal because you can use it every day. Don’t use it longer than 40 minutes and follow your doctor’s advice. EMF is safe for your skin, hair, eyes, and your general health.

Can Infrared Lights Cause Cancer?

Infrared sauna cancers are not a real thing. Many people are afraid that blanket infrared saunas or pods can cause cancer. You may have already googled “infrared sauna burnt skin.”

CancerHowever, specialists ensure that infrared saunas don’t cause cancer because they have low-level radiation. IS deaths are extremely rare. These may happen to people with severe heart issues, or with high alcohol levels in their blood.

  • If you already have or are prone to skin cancer, it can be dangerous. That’s because extreme heat can prevent your body from repairing the cells. So other agents can provoke your cancer, but IR heat can make it worse.
  • If you have a different type of cancer, an IR sauna may help, according to some physicians. The claim is that heat destroys tumor cells. IR heat improves your blood circulation and removes toxins, so your body will fight more effectively against cancer.

SUMMARY: Infrared lights in saunas cannot cause cancer, but can aggravate an existing cancer. Some sources claim that IR saunas can help your fight against cancer. If you have a tumor, ask your doctor if you can include IR therapy in your treatment plan.

Infrared Sauna vs. Dry Sauna

Infrared saunas use IR light that heats your body directly, so they have a number of advantages over dry saunas.

IR saunas penetrate deeper into your body:

  • Short-wavelength IR is best for healing because it targets your first skin layer
  • Mid-wavelength is best for improved circulation because it can get deeper into your skin
  • Long-wavelength is best for fat burning and detoxification because it targets the deepest skin layers

Conversely, traditional saunas only affect your first skin layer.

Infrared vs Dry Sauna

A traditional sauna needs to be at least 150F to work, but you can keep an infrared sauna around 130F. This means:

  • You’ll sweat more, even if the temperature is lower.
  • You will feel more comfortable in a cooler room. Dry saunas may cause breathing difficulties because of the hot air getting through your nostrils.
  • You can stay longer to reap more benefits.
  • Your core temperature will be 2-3ᵒF higher.

Dry heat saunas have high temperatures and low humidity. They use electricity or fire to create dry heat, so they take longer to work. Choose a dry sauna if you:

  • Want a more affordable model
  • Need to fight nasal congestion
  • Want a relaxing spa experience, not deep-tissue detoxification

SUMMARY: Get an infrared sauna if you want a fast working model. Infrared heat is more effective than dry saunas, but not as good against nasal congestion. If you want deep-tissue detoxification on-the-go, choose a portable IR blanket.

Infrared Sauna and Viruses

A high-tech, skin-conditioner-friendly sauna may ward off pesky microbes in your pores. It’s called Air-Sauna (very stylish, right?). The company behind it says that when your body is exposed to hot air, it circulates your body’s own natural antibacterial properties. That means that within seconds of getting in, your pores close up, leaving behind a “hardened membrane,” says Henrik Born of the Institute of Applied Physics at the Technical University of Denmark. This kills 99 percent of the bacteria in your pores, claims Air-Sauna. In addition to killing 99 percent of the bacteria, It might also help boost your natural body temperature, says Born, which keeps your body from getting sick (or makes it susceptible to it). But don’t try this at home–making your own won’t work because it’s impossible to get the air as hot as the sauna.

Still, if you have your own in your building, you can pretend to try the AS and take advantage of that, too. In theory, that should have the same effects as the $70 AS, which is great if you don’t have $70 for relaxation. AS uses the “low-pressure”, as opposed to the traditional high-pressure ones, according to its inventor, Mattias Herlin of UK-based PR company Vertex PR. When the air pressure inside It drops, your body heats up faster. Herlin got the idea for the sauna while on a horseback ride. “As my horse walked along a valley, we passed people going about their normal day,” he says. “I realized that these people weren’t sweating at all–they were just hot. I wondered if there was a way to use the lower air pressure to activate heat and sweat in the human body.”

Why Am I Not Sweating in Infrared Sauna?

When you walk into a cold room, your body will send out heat that will warm your body up. It will send out heat to its own fluids. When you step into the infrared sauna, you use this heated air to circulate between your body and the room. So, there are no hot or cold sensations, and you won’t have to wait long to feel it. Why Aren’t I as Hot as I Used to Be?

As soon as you walk into the sauna, it instantly becomes warmer than the air outside the room. The infrared heaters take more time to heat up. Plus, they have to be pointed in a specific direction to heal your body on all sides. So, when you first enter, you’ll feel even warmer than you would in a normal sauna. Additionally, it takes some time for your body to warm up enough to feel comfortable. Don’t Worry, It Will Takes Time. The effects of an infrared sauna on your body will come gradually over time. The first time you walk into an infrared sauna, it’ll feel like your body is on fire.

Do Infrared Saunas Give Off Radiation?

When you’re lying in a hot sauna for a good stretch, you’re probably hoping the hot, moist air will give off some heat. But if your sauna doesn’t, you may be in for a disappointment, because the infrared rays in a sauna don’t interact with your skin. Hot Sauna Says No — But Lots of Air Does. There’s absolutely no scientifically proven benefit from the infrared rays,” says Barbara Pearl, Ph.D., a research professor at the University of Pittsburgh, who has conducted research on saunas. Infrared rays, infrared light, are visible in the sky — so it doesn’t matter if you’re in an enclosed sauna or in a non-heated room.

Even more, saunas don’t emit enough hot infrared rays to warm you up. Even if you’re on the cooler side of the infrared spectrum, the sauna may not feel hot to you. “The infrared radiation is very narrow, and there’s a little scattering of it,” Pearl says. RELATED: 16 Ways to Get Healthy Fast. So what does happen to your body in an infrared sauna? “Infrared saunas increase your body temperature, so your body will sweat more in that environment, too,” Pearl says.

Can Infrared Saunas Cause Cancer?

Unlike UV radiation which affects the DNA, this infrared radiation can also penetrate deep within the cells. This is the reason why it can cause damage to other cells, too. Ways that this can damage cells is by heat damage. This causes DNA to break down and it can lead to cancer. Infrared heat also causes DNA damage to the cells within our body. When the tissue from our body’s body enters the hot environment of the sauna, the heat can damage the DNA strands and cause them to break down, potentially triggering cancer.

How to Avoid Infrared Saunas. Sauna sessions are perfect for those who want to maintain a balanced healthy lifestyle. What many people fail to understand is that our bodies can function at optimum levels when we maintain aing a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. It is only when we start to push our bodies to the point of exhaustion and overuse them with intense physical activity that our bodies begin to produce more toxic chemicals that can affect our bodies in the prolonged period.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Health Risks with Infrared Sauna?

There are generally no significant health risks associated with using an infrared sauna when used properly. In fact, infrared saunas are considered to be safe and well-tolerated by most individuals. However, it is essential to be aware of certain precautions and considerations. One primary concern is dehydration, as sauna sessions can cause sweating and fluid loss. It is crucial to stay adequately hydrated before, during, and after using the sauna to prevent dehydration.

Another consideration is overheating, particularly for individuals with certain medical conditions or sensitivity to heat. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using an infrared sauna if you have any underlying health concerns. Additionally, individuals who are pregnant, have cardiovascular issues or are taking certain medications should exercise caution or seek medical advice before using. Lastly, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and not exceed the recommended duration or temperature settings to avoid any potential adverse effects. By taking these precautions and using the infrared sauna responsibly, most individuals can enjoy its therapeutic benefits without significant health risks.

What Effects Does Infrared Sauna Have on the Brain?

The effects of an infrared sauna on the brain have been a subject of interest and research. While studies specifically focused on the impact of infrared saunas on the brain are limited, there are several potential effects that can be inferred based on the broader understanding of sauna therapy and heat exposure. One notable effect is the promotion of relaxation and stress reduction. Heat exposure in saunas, including infrared saunas, has been shown to stimulate the release of endorphins, which are natural mood-enhancing and stress-reducing chemicals in the brain.

Additionally, sauna use can improve sleep quality, and a well-rested brain is essential for cognitive function and overall well-being. The heat-induced increase in body temperature during an IS session can also enhance blood circulation throughout the body, including the brain. Improved blood flow may potentially support brain health and cognitive function. Furthermore, sauna therapy has been associated with improved mood, reduced symptoms of depression, and enhanced mental well-being. While further research is needed to fully understand the specific effects of infrared saunas on the brain, the available evidence suggests that it may have positive impacts on relaxation, mood, sleep, and overall brain function.

Does Infrared Sauna Balance Hormones?

The effects of infrared saunas on hormone balance have not been extensively studied or scientifically proven. While some anecdotal reports and preliminary studies suggest potential benefits, it is important to approach these claims with caution. Sauna therapy, including the use of infrared saunas, has been associated with improvements in various aspects of health, such as relaxation, stress reduction, and sleep quality. Since hormones play a significant role in regulating these processes, it is possible that the indirect effects of sauna therapy on stress reduction and relaxation may have some impact on hormone balance. However, more research is needed to establish a direct and conclusive link between infrared sauna use and hormone regulation. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice on hormonal health and to explore evidence-based strategies for hormone balance.

Is Infrared Sauna Safe for Brain?

The safety of using an infrared sauna for the brain is a topic that warrants careful consideration. Infrared saunas utilize infrared radiation to heat the body directly, which can raise concerns about potential effects on the brain due to increased body temperature and exposure to heat. However, existing scientific research suggests that when used properly and within recommended guidelines, infrared saunas are generally safe for the brain.

The body has natural mechanisms to regulate temperature, including dissipating heat through the skin and sweating. Infrared saunas typically operate at lower temperatures compared to traditional saunas, and they heat the body gradually, minimizing the risk of overheating. This measured approach helps in preventing adverse effects on brain function.

Moreover, infrared radiation penetrates the skin and warms the body’s surface without significantly affecting the brain directly. The wavelengths of infrared radiation used in saunas are far from the wavelengths associated with harmful ionizing radiation. The heat generated primarily affects the skin and muscles, promoting relaxation and potential health benefits like improved circulation and stress reduction.

However, it’s crucial to follow usage guidelines to ensure safety. Individuals with pre-existing medical conditions, such as cardiovascular issues, should consult a healthcare professional before using an infrared sauna. Staying hydrated and avoiding excessive sessions are important precautions.

In summary, based on current scientific understanding, using an infrared sauna within appropriate temperature and duration limits is considered safe for the brain. As with any health-related practice, moderation and adherence to guidelines are key to reaping potential benefits while minimizing risks. If you have specific health concerns, consulting a medical professional before incorporating infrared sauna sessions is recommended.

What Do Doctors Say About Infrared Saunas?

Medical professionals generally acknowledge the potential health benefits of infrared saunas, recognizing them as a complementary therapy with various positive outcomes. Infrared saunas utilize infrared radiation to generate heat, which is then absorbed by the body, promoting physiological responses that can contribute to overall well-being.

Doctors often highlight the capacity of infrared saunas to induce vasodilation, leading to improved circulation. This effect enhances blood flow, potentially aiding in the management of conditions such as hypertension and promoting cardiovascular health. The heat from infrared saunas has been shown to dilate blood vessels, facilitating the movement of oxygen and nutrients to various tissues.

Furthermore, medical experts point to the role of infrared saunas in promoting relaxation and stress reduction. The heat generated by the saunas stimulates the production of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals, contributing to a sense of calm and relaxation. This stress-reducing aspect may have positive implications for individuals dealing with anxiety and mood disorders.

Research also suggests that regular use of infrared saunas may have positive effects on joint and musculoskeletal health. The heat can help alleviate muscle stiffness and joint pain, making it a potential adjunctive therapy for conditions like arthritis. Moreover, the induced sweating during sauna sessions may assist in detoxification by eliminating certain toxins through the skin.

However, it is essential to note that while many doctors acknowledge the potential benefits of infrared saunas, individual responses may vary. Patients with specific health conditions, such as cardiovascular issues or skin conditions, should consult their healthcare providers before incorporating infrared sauna sessions into their wellness routines. As with any therapeutic modality, a balanced and evidence-based approach is crucial, and medical advice should be sought for personalized recommendations based on individual health status and medical history.

Are There Any Dangers to Infrared Saunas?

When constructing or renovating a sauna, the choice of wood is critical for safety, durability, and overall sauna experience. Pressure treated wood, commonly used for outdoor applications due to its resistance to rot and insects, might seem like a practical choice. However, it is not suitable for saunas, and here’s why.

Chemical Treatments and Safety Concerns
Pressure treated wood undergoes a process where chemical preservatives are forced into the wood fibers under high pressure. These chemicals, including chromated copper arsenate (CCA), alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ), and copper azole (CA), are highly effective at preventing decay and insect damage. However, they pose significant health risks in the high-temperature, high-humidity environment of a sauna.

Chemical Emissions:

Heat Activation: The elevated temperatures in a sauna can cause the chemicals in pressure treated wood to off-gas, releasing potentially harmful fumes into the air. Inhalation of these fumes can lead to respiratory issues, skin irritation, and other health problems.
Moisture and Chemical Leaching: The high humidity levels can also cause these chemicals to leach out of the wood, increasing the risk of skin contact and absorption.

Health Risks:

Toxicity: Prolonged exposure to the chemicals used in pressure treated wood can lead to serious health issues. CCA, for example, contains arsenic, a known carcinogen. Even newer preservatives like ACQ and CA, though less toxic, are still not safe for environments where direct and prolonged human contact occurs, such as in a sauna.

Appropriate Wood Choices for Saunas

For a safe and enjoyable sauna experience, it is crucial to use wood types that are naturally resistant to heat and moisture, and free from chemical treatments. The best woods for sauna construction include:

  • Cedar: Naturally resistant to decay and insects, and has a pleasant aroma.
  • Hemlock: Durable and less likely to warp under high temperatures.
  • Aspen: Lightweight, heat-resistant, and has a smooth finish.
  • Spruce: Economical and widely used in traditional sauna construction.

Pressure treated wood is not safe for sauna use due to the risk of chemical emissions and leaching under high temperatures and humidity. For a healthy and safe sauna, opt for naturally durable woods like cedar, hemlock, aspen, or spruce. These woods not only withstand the unique sauna environment but also enhance the overall sauna experience with their natural properties. Prioritizing the right materials ensures a safe, enjoyable, and long-lasting sauna.

Final Conclusion

I’ve busted a lot of myths in this article. IR light doesn’t damage your eyes, skin, or hair.

Talk things with your doctor

EMF doesn’t cause skin cancer, plus it may actually help you cure other forms of cancer.

Infrared saunas are not dangerous for your health if you don’t have severe underlying issues.

If you have any suspicions, talk things with your doctor.

That said, IR saunas are actually healthy. They help you lose weight, improve your circulation, and relax you.

If you want to fight muscle fatigue, joint pain, and sleep issues, all you have to do is get an IR sauna.